Instead of simply shouting from your own corner of the web, an endorsement from a familiar third party will always trump any claims you make about your own product.

By harnessing the audience of a popular blogger or social media influencer, you can drive huge amounts of traffic to your site and reach consumers in a whole new way.

Here’s a two-step guide to partner with an influencer:

1. Research popular bloggers that fit your brand.

  • Check Google and Twitter to find influential bloggers who write about your industry.
  • Use Followerwonk to search for keywords in the profiles of Twitter users, then sort by number of followers to find major influencers in your industry.

2. Decide what type of partnership works best for you and the blogger.

  • Send free stuff to review.
  • Offer a discount or giveaway for their readers.
  • Give them a commission on sales.

Congratulations, you’ve just lent your voice a megaphone.